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** Note: Stats are only counted for first attempt of the day.
1. Enter any 5 letter word in each row, one row at a time. Hit 'Enter' to go from one row to next.
2. To win, ensure the rule displayed at the top of the game is met. This rule changes everyday.
3. Time limit is 5 mins.
4. Use 🔍 icon to look up meaning of words.
5. Time Stats and Scores are tracked.
6. Each alphabet has a score displayed on the keys. This is used for adding up scores.
7. Stats cannot be tracked in private browsing / incognito modes.
8. Deleting browsing history may delete all past statistics.
9. This is a daily challenge. New Challenge is released every midnight (US pacific time).
10. You can attempt this daily challenge any number of times a day, but stats are counted for first attempt of the day.
** Note: Words & Meanings are a courtesy of Free Dictionary. These may not be as exhaustive as the actual dictionary.